Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ebook Panduan Lengkap Penternakan Udang Galah

Good News!!

Now a complete guide for future freshwater prawn farmers is available!! Yes we prefer you guys to come to our 1 day course but dont worry if u r bz or lives very far, let us come to you!! A complete 53 pages color ebook is only for RM150, which is cheaper than the course but yeah, the course is the best but better something than nothing right??

With RM150, you'll get 53 pages of a complete guide, what we do, what we gain through pain and joy for years is yours for a cheaper price. Yes there are many of ebooks for freshwater prawn and we've seen most of them and believe us this is the most complete and professional.

Some of the topics are water quality, aeration, predators and also cash flow. Freebies will be given especially to ebook customers such as cash flow softcopy (adjustable), tables for water changes, liming, fertilizer and also few pamplets on freshwater prawn farming.

If interested pls email us and bank in to 162218353965 MAYBANK (Mohd Radzi Md Yusoff)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Udang Galah Culture In Fibre Tank

With the recent urban style aquaculture for the people who lives in the city with no land to do aquaculture business, we are also being asked so many questions regarding farming the freshwater prawn inside a fibre tank, canvas or cement pond. Eventhough we do not prefer to do it like that but due to some request, we try to do it to see the result. There are many considerations and concerns such as water changes, plankton availability and growth. However, we who are also in RND stage for this subject, try our best to help the people out there who wants to do this kind of farming.

Our setup:
We use two fibre tanks, one with clay and sand at the bottom and one without. Each holds 2300pcs of PLs. The tanks equipped with pumps for aeration, coconut leaves for shelter.

Tank preparation:
We put a handful of calcium carbonate (around 2kgs) and zeolite (same amount). The water is very dark and green

Around 100g of starter crumbles (crushed pallets, for PLs) each tanks, each feeding times, which is morning and evening

Water Changes:
Around 20% per week with freshwater.

Initially, some PLs being sucked into the pump so we made some modification to it, put a bottle at the pump water inlet to slow down the suction pressure.

Many leftovers of starters and bottom tanks full of sludge, may increase the amount of ammonia, water changes is important along with zeolite application but the main thing is to take out the bottom sludge. This may need a proper filtering system which at the moment we do not have as the soil pond does not require this system.

Shrimp growth is relatively slow as compared to soil ponds due to unavailable or less plankton and natural foods. We notice that there a fewer shrimps than before but no signs of mortality. Need to check thoroughly.

That is for now, pls have a look at some pictures related to this matter.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Udang Galah in Thailand Hypermarket

Recently, i have browsed my friend's blog from the Philippines about udang galah. They posted some pictures of udang galah in some hypermarket in Thailand (if im not mistaken) and also for exports. Just wanna share some pictures and how we in Malaysia wouldn't find this size of udang galah in our Tesco or Carrefour. This size of shrimp only can be found in the river or straight from the farm like us.

For exports - giant size

For exports - tailmeat only, most Europeans doesnt like the heads

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lawatan Exco Pembangunan Modal Insan, Belia dan Sukan Negeri Sembilan

Isnin 26 Januari 2009, jam 2.30 petang, ladang ternakan TrueAqua sekali lagi menerima kunjungan tetamu. Kali ini tetamu yang hadir melawat kolam kami adalah Exco Pembangunan Modal Insan, Belia dan Sukan Negeri Sembilan iaitu YB. Tuan Abd Samad bin Ibrahim.

Semasa lawatan YB, kami telah menerangkan secara ringkas latar belakang dan operasi ladang ternakan kami kepada beliau. Kami juga turut bertukar2 pendapat dan berbincang mengenai idea2 yang boleh diketengahkan khususnya untuk program pembangunan belia. Semoga dengan lawatan ini Tuan YB akan dapat mencetuskan dan mengembangkan idea2 baru bagi memberi manfaat kepada golongan belia terutamanya.

Sekali lagi kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada YB atas keprihatinan beliau dan juga kerana sudi meluangkan masa melawat ladang ternakan kami.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kursus Ternakan Udang Galah 8 Feb 2009

Salam to all,

Kursus ternakan udang galah di kolam TrueAqua akan diadakan pada 8 Feb 2009. Sesiapa yang berminat bacalah iklan diatas dan telefon En Razi. Penyertaan terhad dan dijamin berbaloi!!!